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Assessing Your Suitability for Remote, Hybrid, and Flexible Work Models

Written by Agilus Work Solutions | Jul 17, 2024 11:00:00 AM

In Canada, remote and hybrid work options are evolving, with a noticeable shift towards hybrid roles. As of 2024, 25% of roles in the technology sector are hybrid and 16% are fully remote. While fully remote job postings have slightly decreased, hybrid roles remain prominent, indicating a continued preference for flexibility among Canadian employers​ (HR Reporter)​​.

These models offer numerous benefits, such as enhanced work-life balance and the ability to work from anywhere. However, not every job or individual is equally suited for these work styles. Assessing your suitability and understanding the nature of the job can help you make informed decisions and increase your likelihood of success. Here are some thought starters when considering a role.

Self-Assessment: Is Remote Work Right for You?

Evaluate Your Work Style: Remote work requires a high degree of self-discipline. Can you stay focused without direct supervision? Are you a self starter? Assess your ability to motivate yourself and manage time effectively, as asynchronistic or remote work often involves managing your own schedule and prioritizing tasks independently. Effective communication is crucial, especially when face-to-face interaction is limited. Are you comfortable using digital communication tools?

Consider Your Work Environment: Do you have a quiet, dedicated space to work without interruptions? Ensure you have the necessary technology, such as reliable internet and appropriate hardware and software, to perform your job effectively.

Reflect on Personal Preferences: Do you thrive on daily in-person interactions, or are you comfortable with virtual communication? Can you establish clear boundaries between work and personal life in a remote setting? Are you comfortable reaching out for help if you need clarification or resources?

Assess Job Suitability: Not every job can be performed remotely. Roles that require physical presence, such as certain healthcare positions, retail jobs, and hands-on roles in manufacturing or lab work, may not offer remote options. Research whether your desired role typically supports remote or flexible work.

Job Performance Metrics: Can the role’s performance be measured by deliverables and output rather than time spent at a desk? Roles focused on results and productivity are more adaptable to remote and asynchronistic work.

Unique Challenges of Remote Work

While remote work offers flexibility, it comes with challenges, especially when working as part of a team.

Proximity Bias: Remote workers may face bias due to physical absence from the office. To mitigate this, maintain regular communication with your team and document your contributions clearly.

Isolation and Loneliness: Remote work can lead to feelings of isolation. Engage in virtual team activities and maintain social interactions to stay connected​.

Work-Life Balance: Blurring boundaries between work and home life can lead to burnout. Set clear work hours and take regular breaks to maintain balance​

Communication Barriers: Without face-to-face interactions, miscommunications can occur. Utilize collaboration tools and schedule regular check-ins to ensure clarity

Questions to Ask Recruiters and Hiring Managers

You’ve done your homework and you’ve decided a remote or hybrid role will work for you. Congrats, you’ve also been short listed for a role that offers a hybrid work week. During your interview it’s important that you also assess the role and work culture to ensure that your potential manager and employer are setting you up for success and that they have proactively created a culture that embraces different work models. Ask the following questions to understand the company's work model and expectations:

  1. What percentage of the workforce is remote or hybrid? Understand the company's commitment to flexible work arrangements.
  2. How do you handle team collaboration and communication for remote employees? Ensure there are robust systems in place for effective teamwork.
  3. What are the expectations for availability and response times in an asynchronous environment? Clarify if there are any core hours or if you can set your own schedule.
  4. What support is provided for remote workers? Inquire about resources such as ergonomic equipment, IT support, and professional development opportunities.
  5. How do you address challenges like proximity bias and employee engagement? Gauge the company's awareness and proactive measures to support remote employees.


As remote and hybrid work models continue to evolve, assessing your suitability for these environments is crucial. By understanding the challenges and asking the right questions, you can better prepare yourself for a successful remote work experience. Stay informed about the latest trends and make informed decisions to enhance your candidacy in the job market.

Every year we place thousands of job seekers in Technology, Office Professional, Engineering, and Trades/Technical roles, including remote and hybrid positions. With over 100 recruiting consultants across Canada and over 600 active employers, we can help you find your next role or new career path with interview tools and resume support. For more information about Agilus, please follow us on LinkedInFacebookInstagram and Twitter or check out our current open roles.