Agilus Blog

How to Stand Out in a Tough Job Market

Written by Agilus Work Solutions | Sep 25, 2024 12:00:00 PM

In today's competitive job market, especially in Canada, landing the perfect job is no easy feat. With so many qualified candidates vying for the same roles, standing out requires more than just sending a resume and hoping for the best. While many job seekers are going above and beyond to get noticed, there’s a fine line between creative and desperate. How do you rise above the noise while maintaining your professionalism? It turns out, the key lies in resilience, tenacity, and thinking outside the box—without losing sight of authenticity and connection.

The Core of Job Hunting Success: Resilience and Tenacity

The job market is tough. There’s no sugar-coating it. As a recruitment firm with decades of experience, we speak with thousands of job seekers every year, and the number one characteristic that leads to success is resilience. Rejection is inevitable, but how you respond is what matters. It’s about bouncing back, learning from the experience, and keeping a positive attitude.

Consider Adam Pacitti, a young man who was down to his last dollars. In a bold move, he used his final $500 to buy a billboard that read, "I spent my last $500 on this billboard. Please give me a job." His story went viral, and he ended up receiving over 60 job offers. What stood out wasn’t just his creative tactic — it was his determination to keep going when others would have given up​.

Think Outside the Box: Be Creative, Not Crazy

It’s natural to want to stand out in a crowded field of applicants, but going overboard with outrageous stunts can backfire. The best approaches are those that creatively highlight your skills, personality, and genuine interest in the role without crossing into desperation.

Take Brennan Gleason from British Columbia, who combined his passion for brewing and design into his job application. He created a custom beer, "Résum-Ale," with his portfolio printed on the packaging. By fusing his skills in a fun and memorable way, he impressed hiring managers and landed a creative director role​.

Or look at Leah Bowman, who submitted a Lego resume that invited employers to "build the perfect intern." Her approach demonstrated not only her creativity but also her ability to bring abstract concepts to life — a perfect fit for the advertising industry. Bowman didn’t just submit a resume; she told a story​.

These approaches show how thinking outside the box can help you stand out — without resorting to gimmicks.

Curiosity and Networking are Game Changers

While creativity is crucial, networking and curiosity are equally important. By building meaningful relationships, you increase your chances of landing an opportunity that aligns with your skills and passions.

Amy Cooper Hakim, for instance, really wanted to work for Office Depot but couldn’t get past the corporate channels. One night, she met someone who worked for the company and struck up a conversation about her love for the brand. That connection led to an interview and ultimately a job. This story highlights the power of curiosity and networking — you never know where a conversation might lead!​

Whether it's through LinkedIn, informational interviews, or simply attending industry events — networking is an invaluable tool in today’s market. By showing genuine interest and curiosity, you can forge relationships that last far beyond a single job application.

Stay Grounded and Strike the Right Balance

At the end of the day, while creativity and tenacity are crucial, it’s important not to lose sight of professionalism. Sending cupcakes with QR codes linking to your resume might be memorable (and yes, someone did land a job with this tactic!), but not every recruiter will appreciate this approach​.

Instead, lean into what makes you unique, build connections through authentic networking, and maintain resilience. Job searching is tough, but those who blend creativity with a positive outlook — and lean on the support and guidance of experts — will always stand out for the right reasons.


By emphasizing resilience, creativity, and networking in your job search, you'll not only stand out but also build the kind of meaningful connections that can lead to lasting success. Whether you're applying to your dream job or making new contacts, approach it with curiosity, professionalism, and a little out-of-the-box thinking! The job search is a journey, and we’re here to help you along the way.

At Agilus, we work with job seekers daily, offering personalized advice to help you navigate this challenging market. Every year we place thousands of job seekers in Technology, Office Professional, Engineering, and Trades/Technical roles. With over 100 recruiting consultants across Canada, we can help you find your next role or new career path with interview tools and resume support. For more information about Agilus, please follow us on LinkedInFacebookInstagram and Twitter or check out our current open roles.