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Want to be promoted in a Virtual World? Here are six ways you can stand out from your home office

Have you heard of proximity bias? Like familiarity and recency biases, it’s a psychological effect that leads us to favour people and ideas that are familiar. We naturally gravitate to things that…

Oct 26, 2022 3:43:39 PM

8 tips to optimize your resume for an ATS

In the digital age, applying for jobs is usually a few clicks away. Many job seekers use the same resume to apply for multiple roles even if the roles are slightly different. However, getting hired…

Oct 19, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Empathy is the single most important soft skill in the workplace right now

According to, empathy is an essential soft skill for 2022. Further, empathy is often a derivative of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), which is listed on nearly every job board, recruiting…

Jun 1, 2022 9:00:00 AM

How to develop your creative muscle to further your career

How often have you said, “I’m not creative”? Well, that could be a limiting thought in the current world of cites multiple sources that have reported that Creativity and…

May 25, 2022 1:05:40 PM

Talent Assessments: 5 reasons why they are good news for jobseekers

As a past or current job seeker, you may have been asked to complete an assessment as part of an organization’s selection and hiring process. Traditional skill assessments, such as software testing,…

Apr 15, 2021 9:53:17 AM

How to use a STAR approach to answer behavioral interview questions

You are in a job interview and things are going really well. You have established a connection with the interviewer and were even able to inject some humor into the conversation. Then, just when you…

Feb 3, 2021 10:31:40 AM