November is National Career Development Month, and this is the perfect time for you to reflect on your career and consider your next steps. Throughout our careers, opportunities and roles come into…
November is National Career Development Month, and this is the perfect time for you to reflect on your career and consider your next steps. Throughout our careers, opportunities and roles come into…
One of the key skills employers are looking for is Critical Thinking. According to, critical thinking has become one of the most sought-after skills, ahead of creativity and…
Everyone at some point in their career wishes to see a progression, whether it is in terms of job title, salary or additional/change of responsibilities. However often the journey of growth and…
Statistics indicate that the Canadian economy is significantly influenced by immigration. This means Canada has a conducive environment to support and encourage immigrants to find jobs or set up…
Ever been asked to submit a video resume? Probably not, right? Well, that soon might become a common practice in the job search. That’s right, TikTok — the world’s current most popular social media…
Interviews are a key element of the hiring process. But even for the most confident and qualified candidates, facing interview questions can be a stressful experience. This stress can multiply…
At Agilus Work Solutions we serve our candidate and employer networks, to lead a connected, forward-thinking work community. We understand that work is an important piece of your work+life equation. Simply put – we care about your whole life, work included.